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Be Slim Training
Be Slim Training:
Be Slim Training Welcome and Overview (35:06)
Be Slim Training Step 1: Thinking Thin from Within (Thinking Thin Framework)
Chapter 1: How to Find Your Why (11:15)
Chapter 2: Know What You Don't Want (16:38)
Chapter 3: A New Body Image
Chapter 4: Practice Makes Perfect (28:23)
Chapter 5: FAQ (46:00)
Chapter 6: FAQ's Part 2 (27:08)
How to Find Your Why Step 2 With MUSIC: A NEW Me Guided meditation and hypnosis (21:54)
End of Week Check In
Be Slim Training Step 2: QUAAD Plan Design
Chapter 1: Set Up for Success (13:39)
Chapter 2: Prepare - for the Best (20:07)
Chapter 3: Goal Weight (24:47)
Chapter 4: Your Overweight Baseline (15:09)
Chapter 5: Calories to Lose Weight (26:45)
Chapter 6: Your Exercise Levels: Getting to Lower Weight Baselines (30:03)
Chapter 7: What is a QUAAD Plan? (9:17)
Chapter 8: Calorie Countdown to Your Lower Weight Calories (11:33)
Chapter 9: Satisfying Meal Windows (27:44)
Chapter 10: Satisfying Meal Windows FAQ (16:10)
Chapter 11: Satisfying Meals (19:07)
End of Week Check In
Be Slim Training Step 3: QUAAD Plan Integration
Chapter 1: Training Guidelines (37:16)
Chapter 2: Using the B- Feeling Food Diary (29:06)
Chapter 3: Food Intake Combinations (13:04)
Chapter 4: Homeostasis (16:46)
Chapter 5: Short Notes- How to Stay on Your QUAAD Plan (10:07)
Chapter 6: Feel Your Joy- Learn to be Satisfied (4:49)
Chapter 7: On PAR with QUAAD (31:31)
End of Week Check In
Step 4 QUAAD Plan Automation
Chapter 8: QUAAD Plan FAQ (21:03)
Chapter 9: Staying on QUAAD FAQ (86:08)
Chapter 10: Exercise and Activity FAQ (41:46)
Chapter 11: Step 3 Wrapping Up (5:21)
QUAAD Plan Group Coaching Calls (recorded) (102:23)
End of Week Check In
End of Level 1 Be Slim Training Survey
Level 2: The Slim Factors- Step 1 Mind Over Matter
Chapter 1: Mind Over Matter Intro (17:55)
Chapter 2: Meditation and How to use mindfulness to stay on QUAAD (24:14)
Chapter 3: Morning Meditation Audio with intro (40:21)
End of Week Check In
Step 2: Attitude is Everything
Chapter 1: Mindset Module Intro (13:25)
Chapter 2: Conscious Eating (18:27)
End of Week Check In
Step 3: The Slim Factor
Chapter 1: Intro to the Slim Factor (20:19)
Chapter 2: The Recommanding Ring - How to Activate the Slim Factor (7:09)
Chapter 3: Activating the Slim Factor - A Different Approach (22:49)
End of Week Check In
End of Level 2 Course Survey
Chapter 6: FAQ's Part 2
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